Universitat de València

Alberto Porta Perez
Bio note
Alberto Porta-Pérez is a PhD student at the Jaume I University, where he works as a teacher of the module “Hyper Media Narrative and Video Games Analysis” for the Video Game Design and Development Degree Programme. He is a member of the ITACA-UJI research group, coordinator at L’Atalante Revista de Estudios Cinematográficos and member of LudoSpain, a working group attached to the SIBE Ethnomusicology Society. He is interested in Game Studies, specifically narrative design, ethical dilemmas and ludomusicology. He studied a Degree in Audiovisual Communication (Extraordinary Award, 2013/2014), a Master in New Trends and Innovation Processes in Communication (Extraordinary Award, 2019/2020) and a postgraduate degree in Japanese Studies at the University of Valencia. During his doctoral studies he stayed at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, as a visiting researcher at the Ritsumeikan Center for Game Studies.

Alberto Porta-Pérez

PhD student at the Jaume I University.